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Is GrubEx Safe For Pets? (Explained)

Are you a pet owner who’s been eyeing that bottle of GrubEx, wondering if it’s safe to use around your furry friends? You’re not alone!

Everyone of us wants a beautiful, grub-free lawn without putting our beloved pets at risk.

GrubEx is not safe for pets immediately after you apply it. But it’s pretty safe after a day or two.

In this post, I’ll shed some light on why it’s not safe for pets, what happens if your cat or dog ingests it, and how to keep them away from it in the first place.

Is GrubEx Safe For Pets?

Grubs Under Surface Of Ground Without Using Grubex

No, GrubEx is not safe for pets right after you applied it.

GrubEx contains something called trichlorfon, which is an organophosphate.

Now, I know that sounds like a mouthful, but basically, it’s the stuff that does the heavy lifting when it comes to dealing with grubs, and it can be toxic to pets.

You should keep your pets off the treated areas for at least 24 hours after you’ve applied GrubEx. 

You need to water it a lot and give it time to dry properly. This reduces the chances of your pet coming into direct contact with it.

What Happens If My Pet Ingests GrubEx?

Okay, let’s talk about a scenario we hope never happens, but it’s important to be prepared. 

What if your pet manages to get a mouthful of GrubEx? 

First things first, don’t panic, but do take it seriously.

Like I said, the chemicals in GrubEx can be toxic to both cats and dogs if they eat enough of it.

You might see them throwing up, having diarrhea, looking really tired, or not wanting to eat. In worse cases, they might shake or even have seizures.

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But remember, they’d need to eat quite a bit of it to get that sick – these symptoms will only show up then. It’s not like they’ll get sick from just sniffing around a treated lawn.

If you think your pet’s been munching on GrubEx, give your vet a call right away.

They’ll know what to do, whether it’s making your pet vomit or giving them some other treatment.

How To Keep Pets Safe After Using GrubEx

Golden Retriever Dog On Lush Green Lawn Free Of Grub Ex

Now that we know the potential risks, let’s talk about how we can keep our furry friends safe after we’ve used GrubEx:

Fencing Or Caging Treated Areas

Setting up some kind of physical barrier will keep the pets away from treated areas. 

It doesn’t need to be pretty or anything, but some temporary fencing or even portable pet playpens should do.

This is especially important in the first 24 hours after you’ve applied GrubEx. 

That’s when it’s at its most potent, just sitting there on the grass.

A physical barrier is the best way to make sure your curious cat or dog doesn’t decide to investigate the new smell on the lawn.

Your pets might give you the sad eyes for keeping them out, but trust me, it’s for their own good.

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Keep Them On Leash

If fencing off parts of your yard sounds like too much work (or your pets are expert escape artists), you can keep them on leash.

I know, I know, your dog probably loves to run free in the yard.

But think of this as a temporary measure to keep them safe.

When you take your pet out, keep them on a leash. You can make sure they stick to the safe zones and don’t wander off into any treated areas.

Plus, it’s a great opportunity for some one-on-one time with your furry friend. 

Who knows, maybe you’ll discover a new favorite spot in the yard together!

Is GrubEx Safe After It’s Dried?

Once GrubEx has dried up and soaked into the ground, it’s usually safe for pets.

The drying process helps the product sink into the soil where the grubs are, which means there’s less chance of your pet coming into direct contact with it. 

But, and this is a big but, it doesn’t mean you should let your guard down completely. 

It’s still a good idea to keep an eye on your pets when they’re romping around in treated areas, especially in the first few days after application.

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Try to discourage any digging or grass-eating behavior. 

You know how some dogs love to chomp on grass or dig holes? Yeah, maybe redirect that energy to a game of fetch instead, just for a little while.

Alternatives to GrubEx for Pet Owners

Now, I get it. Even with all these precautions, some of you might still be feeling a bit uneasy about using GrubEx. Don’t worry, you’re not out of options! 

There are some alternatives out there without bringing chemicals into the mix.

First up, we’ve got some organic options. 

Things like nematodes or milky spore might sound like something out of a sci-fi movie, but they’re actually natural predators that target grubs specifically.

The best part? They’re generally safe for pets, so you can let your furry friends roam free.

Another route you could take is calling in the professionals. 

Pest control experts can assess your specific situation and recommend treatments that’ll keep both your lawn and your pets happy.

Plus, they often have access to more targeted products that are safe for your pets.

Bottom Line

At the end of the day, GrubEx is not safe for pets.

But you can use GrubEx and still keep your pets safe. It’s all about following the instructions, keeping your pets away from treated areas for a bit, and using some common sense.

And if you’re still worried, there’s no shame in trying out some alternatives or asking a pro for help. Your pets will thank you for being so thoughtful!

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